Saturday, January 12, 2013

Display Your Playbills

So, one of the best parts about going to see a show or being in a show is the memories you bring home with you.  And what a way to remind yourself of a great time than the program or Playbill from a show!  For me, I like to frame each of my Playbills from Broadway (and Off-Broadway) shows!!  I also frame the programs from shows I've worked on.

Here's how I do it:
  1. I use certificate frames (the ones for diplomas, etc.) from Dollar Tree (yes, they are only $1). They measure 8 X 10½", which is perfect for 2 Playbills to fit! [Buy them here]
  2. I take two Playbills (programs) and place them together in the center.  I usually try to theme them is someway that makes sense to me!  Like Lysistrata Jones and Sister Act are together because they are written by the same guy!  Or maybe just in the order you saw them.
  3. You could also buy some cool scrap book paper and cut to fit the frame.  You could put the Playbill in one side and your ticket stub on the other side.  It's an easy and cheap way to display your Playbills!
Playbill also sells some really cool frames, they are more than the $1 mine cost, but they are of excellent quality and are REALLY cool!  [Buy them here]

See you Down in Front,

Mr. F.

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