Monday, November 8, 2010

Creating your Character


The mark of a good actor is not copying, its creating.  What does that mean?  Well, simply said a good actor looks at the lines, listens to the stage directions and creates their OWN character.  When doing a big show, like Bye Bye Birdie, some actors tend to watch the movie or see another production and base their character on another actor.  But, I want you to create your own character - because you are your own person.  Use your imagination, rather than imitating someone else.

I know that creating a new character can be extremely scary to a young actor.  This is why I will allow time to develop your characters. 

There are several things to think about when you are creating a character:
  • Whats his/her voice like? 
  • How does he/she walk? 
  • What is he/she afraid of? 
  • What annoys him/her? 
  • What does he/she love? 
Think of your character as if he/she were an animal.  What animal would they be?  Say its a bear.  It lumbers, it growls, it seems to move awkwardly.  It holds an underlying threat.  Try to do your lines as that animal, and then pare away the bear until it becomes a human being with some of the characteristics of a bear.  You will discover all sorts of things you wouldnt have thought of since your body is doing the work.

Remember this is a journey of creation and discovery, not imitation, it's time to get excited about the process!

Break A Leg,

Mr. Ferriero

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