Rob McClure is a star! There I said it ... now only continue reading if you REALLY want to know what I think if this musical about the 'Little Tramp' Charlie Chaplin.
O.k. I warned you ... the Chaplin musical opens with Charlie on a tight rope, which I think is symbolic of the entire show, which walked a fine-shaky-uneven line with me.
The musical tells the story of the amazing career of Charlie Chaplin, who revolutionized film and, to be honest, entertainment as we know it. The musical doesn't seem to meet many of it's goals. First in book by Thomas Meehan and Christopher Curtis which is weak at best. The show seems to jump from a 'documentary' feel (with 'scene' shots directed at the audience) to story-telling to embracing the audience in the story. The best way to describe the script would be 'uneven'. Now, I'm not saying that there isn't potential in the book - I just don't think it's 100% ready.
The music and lyrics by Christopher Curtis also fall short for me. There are some nice tunes that
almost embrace the story, but I feel fall short of what they intend to do. Same as the book - I think the music has great potential but isn't quite there.
The musical does achieve one goal - education. I learned a lot that I didn't know about Charlie Chaplin (I didn't know much to be honest). I walked away from the show with an understanding of the Little Tramp - so, I guess the book/music wasn't a complete waste. Maybe I just need to see/hear it over and over a few more times.
The highlight of this show is the unbelievably talented cast! They are just remarkable! Lead by Rob McClure, who deserves a Tony Nom no matter how well the show does, the cast works their tails off from curtain to curtain with, what I will call, some of the best acting in a musical I have ever seen. A big congrats goes to director/choreographer Warren Carlyle, who did a great job with the material.
Another highlight of the show is the scenic design by Beowulf Borritt and costumes by Amy Clark. The show is visually stunning from lights on up! (well, I guess down)
Quick Notes:
- Who Should See It? Chaplin fans, anyone who enjoys black and white, pop-culture/history buffs
- Best part of the show? The cast and scenic design
- Actor/Actress? Hands Down - Rob McClure who embraced this character for all he's worth!
- Best Song? The Life That You Wished For
Report Card
Cast: A+
Set Design: A+
Lighting: A
Music (songs): C
Orchestra: B+
Direction: A
Choreography: A